Watch Isabella Akinseye dish on the good, bad and ugly of House of Gold in just 180 seconds.

Genre: Comedy

Starring:Yvonne Nelson, Ice Prince Zamani, Majid Michel, Omawumi Megbele, Mercy Chinwo, Eddie Watson, Francis Odega

Synopsis: Dab Ansah Williams, a high flying entrepreneur/business mogul, polygamist and socialite, is battling with cancer and has 6 weeks left to live according to medical practitioners. With the help of his long time associate and legal representative, he embarks on a mission to call all his children back home – most of whom were born out of wedlock and various illicit affairs. The re-union proves a little more than everyone bargained for as each child returns with an agenda, setting the stage for the most hilarious and bizarre 7 days of their lives. At the end, they realize that there is just too much for too many.




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