Murder at Prime Suites is an investigative crime thriller written and directed by Eneaji Chris Eneng and features Joseph Benjamin, Keira Hewatch, Florence Ngwu, Okey Uzoeshi, Stan Nze and Moyinoluwa Olutayo.
Murder at Prime Suites lays emphasis on betrayal, murder, lies, greed and lust. Special Agents of the Police Investigation Department (PID) – Special Agent Ted (Joseph Benjamin) and Agent Hauwa (Keira Hewatch) battle to unravel the mysteries behind the murder of a young lady, Florence Ngwu (Chelsea Eze), in an upscale hotel. What seemed like an open and close case soon turned into a battle of wits and backstabbing.
Read the review of Murder at Prime Suites here.
Check out the pictures from the red carpet of the premiere of Murder at Prime Suites here.