Black Silhouette is a film by Charles Uwagbai that tells is a woman’s tale of her past reveals a life of sexual abuse from childhood, prostitution as a teenager and an unresolved murder. The film stars, Joke Silva, Ik Osakioduwa, Ivie Okujaye, Femi Jacobs, Jude Orhorha, Chigozie Atuanya and Grace Ofre.

Synopsis: It is almost election year and and a ghetto brought up Senator Maro Oti is about to make history as the first female Governor in Nigeria. Despite her husband’s disapproval she fixes an appointment with internationally acclaimed Biographer Eric Mobumba and requests that he writes her memoir.

Eric Mobumba is elated at the opportunity but his excitement however starts to dwindle as Senator Maro’s tale of her past reveals a life of sexual abuse from childhood, prostitution as a teenager and an unresolved murder.

The Biographer sees a woman ladened with guilt and shame from her past, all attempts to dissuade her from telling this bitter and horrific story fails as Maro will not be perturbed, convinced that closure will only come from telling the truth of her very dark past herself.


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