Mama Africa an inspiring new movie directed by Ubaka Joseph Ugochukwu is set to be released on Nigeria’s Independence Day 1 October 2014. Produced by Norbert Ajaegbu, Chairman of the Film and Video Producers and Marketers Association of Nigeria (FVPMAN) , the movie features Zach Orji, Tonto Dikeh, Jibola Dabo, Peachman Akpota, Nkiru Umeh, Chioma Igwe, Livinus Nnochiri, Belinda Effah and Remi Ohajianya. Mama Africa is an exposé on the goings-on in the corridors of power, how the ruling minority controls the lives of the masses, trampling even on their human rights at will. The movie tells the story of how 500 children die from the use of a fake vaccine, while the poor and needy are locked up in a military detention camp without any hope of food or freedom when they were to be kept in a rehabilitation home.
Watch the trailer here and here.
Read the interview with the producer Norbert Ajaegbu here.