Adesua Etomi is an actress, thespian and singer. She is a graduate of Drama and Performance at the University of Wolverhampton. The ligh-skinned Edo beauty began her acting career at the age of 7 when she joined the drama club at her primary school, Corona, Victoria Island, Lagos.
When did you know for sure that you wanted to be an actress?
7 or 8 years ago but I never thought it would happen. In 2004, I had just had enough of trying other things and then I plucked up the courage to tell my mum. I haven’t looked back since then.
How did your parents react to that decision?
My mum was extremely supportive. She noticed that I loved to perform from a very young age so it was no surprise. My dad on the other hand, took a little more convincing but he eventually came around.
Tell us about your time in university?
When I chose to study Drama and Performance at the university, I imagined having acting classes everyday, prancing around the room, being free as a bird (laughs). I had the shock of my life when I started. I wrote a 10,000 word dissertation for goodness sake! I had more essays to write than Law students but I’m glad I did all that. My course opened my eyes to the world of performance and taught me to respect the craft and work hard. It taught me that ‘being mediocre’ is not acceptable. It taught me patience as well.
What made you return to Nigeria after your studies?
I’ve actually been out of Nigeria for about 15years and I had no plans to move back permanently anytime soon. My intention was to come for three months and go back. I’ve been here for two years now (laughs).
Have you been able to survive on just acting or have you had to pick up another job?
By God’s grace, this job has has been rewarding and I haven’t had to do anything else to ‘survive’.
Which do you prefer: the stage or the screen?
This is a tough question. I learn so much from both, choosing one over the other would be hard. I love both.
You also sing, any chance of pursuing a musical career?
I’m absolutely in love with music. I plan on doing something with my gift but not at the moment. If there was a way to do music without people knowing it’s me, i would. If only I could be a female Lagbaja (laughs). Having said that, I will not say no if 2face or M.I. ask me to sing the hook on their songs (laughs).
Read the full interview in December 2014/January 2015 edition of Nolly Silver Screen (Issue 11) here or click on the download button to download the magazine.