The brand new series My Nigeria on Al Jazeera DStv chaanel 406, goes beyond the clichés associated with Africa, to give a flavour of the country through the eyes of six diverse Nigerians. They invite us into their worlds, sharing their stories in their own words and painting a much broader picture of their homeland. Nigeria is home to one fifth of Africa’s people, and it is packed with talent, creativity, initiative and enterprise.

Basketmouth: Trash Talking on Al Jazeera DStv channel 406, 24th August at 22:30
25 August 09:30 26 August 03:30 27 August 16:30 28 August 05:30  |

Also coming later MY NIGERIA – KATE HENSHAW – tune in on 31st August at 22.30

Stand-up comedian Basketmouth invites us to eavesdrop onto his street-smart Nigerian life.  He is, arguably, Nigeria’s most successful stand-up comic. Born and bred in the notorious Lagos slum Ajegunle, he discovered his gift for comedy by chance and has never looked back. His take on Lagos, West Africa’s most vibrant city, is upbeat, irreverent and challenging.

The rest of the series features actress turned politician, Kate Henshaw; fashion designer, Deola Sagoe; and Gbenga Sesan, an IT entrepreneur.


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