DStv BoxOffice has something savoury cooking up this week for drama lovers, relationship lovers, romantic movie lovers and the ‘couple goals’ community. A love story in which the title directly describes the movie. We’re aware that when people are in love they are mad about each other especially during the ‘trying to make what we are’ official phase or when you are newly in love,so allow us to be enveloped in the world of love as we watch Mad About you.
Mad About You is a love story about an A-list actor engaged to a highly sought-after model. This couple is the talk of the town, the couple everyone admires, the couple everyone wants to be. They are the definition of ‘couple goals’ however…and I really do mean the ‘however’ there is an entrance of another woman. Why do the side chicks continue to roll in? ‘Leave my man alone!’ Is probably what is going through the model’s mind…but I wouldn’t know that for certain because I have not watched it- neither have you.
Just when we were dealing with marital problems and child birth about two weeks ago (if you did not rent your own copy of Joba on DStv BoxOffice sorry to say this but you missed and you are not a part of the gist…do not miss this Mad About you) we have to deal with side chicks and couple goals. What is Nollywood doing to us?
Mad About you is available for rent on DStv BoxOffice. Let’s see everything go down in action. We have no reason to miss any of the romance, laughter, side chick drama because the movie will be on BoxOffice for two weeks after the release date. If you missed the Joba gist, now is the time to redeem yourself and stay in the loop!