Trailer: Mama Drama
Produced by Diche Enunwa, Temitope Bolade-Akinbode, and Omoh Ohiomoba, and directed by Tope, Mama Drama is a Writer’s Ink Concepts in collaboration with RR Business Services’ Production. The cast of…
Produced by Diche Enunwa, Temitope Bolade-Akinbode, and Omoh Ohiomoba, and directed by Tope, Mama Drama is a Writer’s Ink Concepts in collaboration with RR Business Services’ Production. The cast of…
Directed by Samuel ‘BigSam’ Olatunji, Dear Affy is a joint production of 007 Global (headed by Samuel Olatunji), Aul Media Studios, Track and Dolly productions, Dr. Tola Elatuyi, FilmOne Entertainment…
Fate of Alakada the Party Planner is a continuation of a comic movie that started a couple of years back. It is the story of a young lady – Yetunde…
Namaste Wahala, loosely translated as ‘hello trouble’, is a love story between a Nigerian girl and a Hindi boy which, consequently results in the marriage of two cultures. In her…